The “Year 2038 problem” (also known as the 32-bit Unix time overflow bug) has largely been addressed in modern Linux systems and related software. So yes it has been fixed. Background on the Problem The issue arises because Unix time (the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC) is traditionally stored as a […]
Load averages represent the average number of processes that are either: They give a snapshot of how much work your system has been doing over time. Linux usually reports three numbers for load average, which represent the load over different periods: For example, when you run the uptime or top command, you might see something […]
Here is the solution if you’ve got the following error message when updating package lists on Debian (apt-get update): The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG B188E2B695BD4743 DEB.SURY.ORG Automatic Signing Key The Debian package repository has changed its package signing key. To fix the error, just download the new key: Finally, run package update again: […]
I needed to complete a routine backup of my development websites on my home server. This was pretty easily completed by daily by a bash script. Here is a simple script that backs up the database and all the files. For the example below I’m using Maria DB 10.5 and my project files are located […] | Powered by WordPress | Theme by TheBootstrapThemes